Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Had the British stayed up to 2000

A post from Munawwar Hussain
--------- Being honest and upfront were not the only qualities needed to build a successful nation, my driver is very honest man, can we make him PM?... Jinnah failed to realize that his people were not competent enough to run a country, Brits were developing the country's infrastructure, they had all the technology to build whole India much better than what we did after 1947, these leaders stopped that development and prosperity for 400 million people, which could have made lives of the masses much better, imagine if it had continued till 2000, we would have been even better than Canada or Australia

Munawwar Hussain Sir thank you for posting my comments and thoughts

Bharatbhai R Pandya Acp I agree. In British Raj communalism was absent, we could find number of Muslim and Christian Officers and Judges. The Brahmins displaced them all and fixed themselves in their posts. ...... Casteism was there as the British were dependent on the spying of the Brahmins over the Indian population, that is why they did not touch casteism of the dominant castes of the Hindus.But after the exposition of Ambedkar, they might have been forced to eliminate this notorious inhuman casteism the Hindus.................The Brahmins willingly inherited the Super Human mentality of Nazi Germany and it continues even today .......Naxalism is not all about the Adivasi lands but a revolt against the atrocious Caste System...........You are right when you say India could have been more prosperous and advanced had the British stayed up to 2000, but Gandhi and Nehru and other VarNvyavasthavadi Congress leaders wanted power at the earliest in their hands . This stretegy was adopted much earlier by them when they maltreated Jinnah in the Congress Convention in Nagpur. Pl read my posts on the incident. Author Wolpert has vividly described the incident in his book " Jinnah of Pakistan ". Congress dominated by the Princes and Casteist and communals did not want to share power with Dalits of Ambedkar or Muslims of Jinnah.They wanted to swallow the entire laddu ( sweet balls ) themselves only.The disparities in economic and social areas are due to this power hungriness of the casteist and communalist forces in India ( I think Pakistan has more or less same problem as when we see politicians exhorting people on religious lines, we feel they want to divert the attention of their people from stark realities of Economic Degradation and Social Discriminations to religion. here ram mandir is nothing but that exercise on a grand scale.And the orthodox people will never build Ram Mandir, otherwise their great mobilising mascot  will vanish ! This is the crux of the dilemma.------------------------------------------The trouble arose from the all embracing mentality of the Brahmins here and the Punjabis in Pakistan.They did not set their aims on 1. Spreading education in masses 2. They did not concentrate on increasing production  and Productivity of the labour classes 3. They did not concentrate on improving health, amenities of living , (  toilets etc ) 4. They did not set on course of improving lot of the farm labour (  They could not do this as in India  most of the rural leaders were big big Zamindars and they wanted exploitation of the dalits continued. For continued exploitation of farm labour , it was necessary to keep them away from education and keep them in perpetual abject poverty. Pakistan faced same problems there Big Zamindars like Bhutto b Family became PMs, and Generals were also absent farmers  !

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