Friday, June 19, 2015

Govt arranged Yoga prog. are non sensical and unconstitutional

This Yoga is a non sense. It makes the man idle and in active. The exercise should be such which may vitalise the organs of the body. 2. Yog is Hindu specific and India being a secular State , this is unconstitutional. 3. The prime duty of the Govt. is the Governance and not to indulge in such religious specific activities. BJP Govt.s have forgotten to govern secularly and have started implementing Hindu specific agendas which is objectionable. there are Crores of people in India who are not Hindus , Why this is imposed on their body and mind 4. Today you are imposing Yoga , will you impose Namaj in the Schools and Govt halls with the same spirit ? 5. Will you arrange Sunday meets as done in the Christian Churches ? 6. Will you arrange Budhdhist prayers . 7. Will you also start to make the students and Govt officers to drink urine of the cows, in the same way ? 8 . RSS chief had said a few days back that he had eaten a fistful dung of the cow . Will you also introduce this practice for your Ministers and Govt officers as well students ? And will the Confidential Reports of the Govt Officers spoiled if they do not drink cow urine and cow dung ?You are a hypocritic lot and are out to destroy the integrity of the country. Pl stop this .and take interest in the work of Governance,

Frewnch Revolution coming to India

and most of them deserve to be shot.
The Indian judiciary is largely corrupt and beyond redemption. The bureaucracy and police are largely corrupt. Even the army has been affected by corruption
The Constitution of India, made in 1950, served some purpose for a few decades. Now it has exhausted itself, and become a caricature, the institutions it created and the fundamental rights and democratic system it laid down, have become scarecrows.
Poverty and unemployment are on a massive scale, healthcare and good education hardly exists for the masses, 50% of our children are malnourished, farmers are committing suicide. Women, minorities and dalits are discriminated against.
Everything in India is over, sab khel khatam.
When I was asked what is the alternative I answered : " Some kind of French Revolution is coming "

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

No photos of my marriage

I saw an album of the photos of a marriage fr frd Rajiv Lal Chaudhari . He and others are lucky to have such treasure of photos. I have none because I did not engage a photographer believing that the bride family might have engaged one. They did not engage either believing that we would be taking a photographer. As such there is no photo of my marriage .Aftere the ceremony was over and we had to depart for Surat , all wept when we left Grant Road , Mumbai from Bombay Central Rly Stn, except my father-in-law. He wept when he saw off my mother-in-law to bring back my wife at the end of 10 days as per our custom . He said to others " I have not informed my wife that the son-in-law and his family are living in a kachcha house . Here I have given every facility to my daughter and there she will have to bear many discomforts. I have not said this to my wife. "..... My father-in-law was a well to do man , and was a millionaire at the time . .... And she changed my and the life of my family

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Desi Chula and the wind pipe

iving fresh air and oxygen to the burning wood. Can  you see the pipe used by the woman before the furnace ? It is meant to give air to the slow burning wood and to reach oxygen to it , so that it burns more speedily. Some 70 years ago , this type of chula was used by my mother and air pipe was used by her to give fresh air to the slow burning wood. Some times she asked me to do this and I had a goos experience as burning flames charred the skin ! My wife , though coming from a well to do family of Bombay , had to sit before this chula and give air to the wood with this pipe for quite some years. But she was a brave lady and tolerated this torments of the chula.
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The Chula, wind pipe and my wife

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  • Bharatbhai R Pandya The rest is alright . But did you see the pipe used by the woman before the furnace ? It is meant to give air to the slow burning wood and to reach oxygen to it , so that it burns more speedily. Some 70 years ago , this type of chula was used by my mother and air pipe was used by her to give fresh air to the slow burning wood. Some times she asked me to do this and I had a goos experience as burning flames charred the skin ! My wife , though coming from a well to do family of Bombay , had to sit before this chula and give air to the wood with this pipe for quite some years. But she was a brave lady and tolerated this torments of the chula.
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How Islam fell behind Christianity 1

Some Westerners say that the Muslims have not contributed towards development and Science . They are basically wrong. It was thru Islam that the great Industrial Revolution started from Constantinople. But the islamic Kings gave greater weight to the spread of Islam than concentrating on the new inventions. Here they took Islam forward but the Muslims backwards and the Christians who had earlier taken an orthodox attitude and punished men with new thinking and inventions like

How Islam lagged behing the Christianity 2.

 Galileo and Copernicus compromised with new thinking and encouraged new inventions and marched ahead . The Christians went to areas where the sword of Islam had not reached, and conquered the areas, this march was motivated by the money bags , and they started commerce, which Islam had no idea, as the Prophet had prohibited exploitation, The march of the Christians was like this 1. Exploit 
Some Westerners say that the Muslims have not contributed towards development and Science . They are basically wrong. It was thru Islam that the great Industrial Revolution started from Constantinople. But the islamic Kings gave greater weight to the spread of Islam than concentrating on the new inventions. Here they took Islam forward but the Muslims backwards and the Christians who had earlier taken an orthodox attitude and punished men with new thinking and inventions likeareas 2. Establish commercial links 3. Stop the indigenous production and make them produce things required by Industries as raw material , manufacture finished goods and capture balance of payment system , spread literacy with a view to enabling new converts to read the Bible 4. Capture political power and create an Empire. ---------- In the comparison , Islam was a more humanitarian religion so it did not go beyond masjids and namajs, five times namaj , which retarded production and made the Muslims remain within limits of their relatives and co-religionists. When you meet same set pf people 5 times a day, your thinking also remain confined to the thinking of those whom you meet daily frequently.Then dress code became a great hindrance .This further contracted their contacts . There are many other things which should be known by the Muslims as the present Islamic Militants play the same role played by the Muslim Armies with Holy book and sword , This has resulted in increasing poverty in the regions dominated by the Islam . This needs deep introspection. Unless the Militants are not done away with, Islam will not attract fresh recruits - converts - and it will stagnate 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Tree top Restaurant , Okinawa, Japan

Tree-house restaurant in the island of Okinawa

I wish there was a dislike button. If the state police do not do anything about it immediately, the people should demand action against it and against the government that is ignoring this truth.
This can only happen in a state that has not established the primacy of individual rights, which alone makes the state and its machinery, the servants of the people. This will go on, as long the educated do not learn this truth and demand its application. The individual, in India is a slave of the parasitic state. Shame on those who condone this. Every individual who does not question this slavery is responsible for the death of this brave journalist.
Every educated Indian is responsible as long as he does not demand the primacy of individual rights. I would use the words of Modi, "Doob maro".

Jagendra Singh, a social media journalist, was burned alive by Uttar Pradesh Police for making a facebook post against Ram Murti Verma
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