Monday, March 26, 2018

Newly elected MP for accumulating money only !

 economically and politically. They go on accumulating wealth not knowing what they are going to do with this much wealth !
I asked a multi Crores friend " Suppose you win a lottery of 2 Crores of Rs. What would you do with that much money ? " For some moments he scratched his head and took out an answer from it. " What to do ? I have every thing Bunglow, business, car .I earn so much that I go on tour in and abroad India frequently. I have no much use of that money. I shall deposit it in Fixed Deposit in bank, there is no use of money beyond a particular level. If you cross that level, your sons will be spoiled, even daughters too. ( I remembered case of an Excise Officer living in Navsari who had a good habit of returning to home every day from office with st least Rs.20000. The moment he took out his coat, his son would examine the pockets and take out some money. Then daughter would come and take away some money . Both were spoiled and selfish friend circles were formed around both of them and all enjoyed with Ill gotten money. So much so that boy was habituated with wines , gambling and prostitution also and the girl gave up to drinks and drugs.
Now we return to our story Hardly any son or daughter of a corrupt politician or officer has ever become a writer, poet or an artist. They simply enjoy and enjoy.
This is due punishment.No reputed or cultured man would seek their company and they feel lost among plenty.

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