Monday, January 15, 2018

Roots of happiness or Unhappiness ------

Happiness or unhappiness ?
Who are responsible for your or my unhappiness ?
Karl Marx said, " Unhappiness in the life of individuals spring ftom the wrong economic policies of the society. Riches are there so , thete is poverty." And poverty breeds unhappiness 
Freud says " If you make man free , he would turn into a beast, civilization is destroyed and civility perishes.It creates repression and repression creates unhappiness."
Freud goes further to say that unhappiness in the world will never end.There chaos if Man is totally free, all the beastly elements suppressed in his mind will find an outlet .If you suppress that feeling and turn him into a civilized Man , he is suppressed and unhappiness is created.Sentiments are never satisfied.If you give them free run , then trouble comes up, if you do not satisfy them, then again there is problem ! "
Ultimately Freud said, " In whatever situation Man would be living ,he will never feel happy. Happiness is an impossibility "
But Buddha gave another interpretation for this state of mind ."The causes of unhappiness lie in your mind.Do mot wander outside to find the roots of unhappiness .You will be sad when you want to make another person sad.When you chase some one to harass him,you are sowing seeds of your unhappiness ypo. .That person may be sad or not out of uour doings but you would be certainly unhappy........If you are unhapoy today , it is the result of your having sown seeds of making others unhappy in the past.You do one thing and that you do not sow the seeds of unhappiness for tomorrow.......When you are angry with someone , you have already started the process of your dismemberment.There is no idiocity other than anger on others.You are punishing yoursrlf for the misdeeds of othets ! "

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