Monday, January 15, 2018

Excess is Poison , Excesses rebound

Arjun asked Srikrishn
" What is poison ? "
Srikrishna replied,
" Every thing received undeserving, by deceitful means and also received out of proportion, is poison . whether it is wealth , power or importance ,ghamand, pride, ambition, love, hate, hunger , hunger for publicity and usurping credit for the works done by others , all turn into poison. "
Many of these evils have accumulated in Modi and BJP leaders and their ruffian cow raxaks and they want to digest the poison and become immortal which is not possible.
*अर्जून ने कृष्ण से पुछा.*
*"ज़हर क्या है"..?*
*कृष्ण ने बहुत सुन्दर जबाब दि
*"हर वो चीज़ जो ज़िन्दगी में*
*॥आवश्यकता से अधिक होती है*
*वही ज़हर है*
फ़िर चाहे वो *ताक़त* हो, *धन* हो, *भूख* हो, *लालच* हो, *अभिमान* हो, *आलस* हो, *मह त्वकाँक्षा* हो, *प्रेम* ॥हो या *घृणा*..
*"जहर ही है"...*

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