Sunday, October 12, 2014

What do we learn from the Border Incidents ?----------------------------------------This episode of firing and cross firing is managed one. It is just like a fixed match. Years back we were delighted to see the rivals being kicked, thrashed and flattened. We cheered when a particular wrestler was beaten. He would rise after being declared loser and announce to the audience, " I will take revenge very badly against this winner in the next bout. " and we got advance tickets to see that revenge. And same story again and again until the public realised that these were shadow fights and we were duped. ----This has happened on our border. Why should our PM arrange such happenings in whiuch innocents have lost their lives ? -----Now see this time hero is our PM, when Nawaz Sharif will find himself cornered, the PM will allow him to score a fictitious victory and then" Nawaz Sharif Zindabad ! ", then after some months, " Modi Zindabad ! " This will go on endlessly.
Just now · Like

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Crocodiles in Baroda , we escaped in darkness

Any frd should not think that I am fond of crocodiles. In the present case , a crocodile was caught in the Lal Baug area which is near Vishvamitri Rly Station. I remember an incident. Years back, when I was Vice Principal, Police Training School, Baroda, and was staying in Lal Baug Flats . I had come with family to Surat for celebrating Janmashtami and were returning to Baroda in a night train. That night it rained very heavily in and around Baroda and the chogan of Baroda Rly Stn was flooded, so the train was brought back wards and it halted at Vishvamitri Rly Stn. It was past midnight. There was no ricksaw available and I had no vehicle of my post. So we walked down the distance appx. 2 KMs. with small kids on shoulders,bags and other goods . The road was flooded and we had to traverse the road in the dark. Some policemen were called who met us on the way.We reached home and heaved a shy of relief. But this relief was short lived as next morning , we learnt, a big crocodile was sighted on the same road which we walked down in the midnight in the darkness. A shrill of shock ran through our spine on learning the presence of the crocodile around us unmindful of this ferocious animal.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

There was an occasion to remember my father today morning, He had expired in 1984. When my father heaved his last and the funeral procession was about to commence, I was weeping profusely without stop, This made the situation more tragic as I was a senior Police Officer then and seeing me weeping was quite unusual for the relatives and the family members. No one came forward to console me as the weeping was unstoppable. There was a reason, though he was illiterate, he saw me graduate and be a a candidate for IAS etc. No one had that courage too. Then all of a sudden an old woman came forward , put her hand on my back and said, " अरे साहेब, क्या तुम्हारे ही बाप मरे है ? हमारे बाप, माँ, उनके माँ-बाप सब मर गए, हम भी हमारा वक्त आयेगा तब चले जाएँगे, कोई वक्तसे ज्यादा रुकता नही है, संसार इसी तरह चलता है। अब शांत हो जाओ , उनको अपनी जगह जाने दो। " These words of worldly wisdom opened my eyes to the realities . Pl cultivate a habit of listening to Vividh Bharati at 2130 when the living and the dead greats are remembered. The last stanza for the dead is always, " जानेवाले कभी नाही आते, जानेवालेकी याद आती है। " ... राजनीशजी को याद करो, " जिंदगी आसमानमे उड़ते पंखी जैसी है, पंखी जब आकाशमे उड़ता है, तो उसकी कोई निशानी आकाशमे रहती है ? उंगली पानीमे डालो, हलाओ और देखो जो जगह उंगली ठहरी थी, वो जगह खाली नही रहती, फौरन वहाँ पानी भर जाता है, यह संसार ऐसा ही है। "

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

 This video came to my memory when I saw the post fr a frd showing Kejriwal tendering an apology to Gadkari , Here Gadkari has failed to rise to the level of the father of the daughters. मूजे एक पंक्ति तुलसीदासकी की याद आती है, रामायण मे उन्होने लिखा था। " क्षमा बडनको चाहिए, छोटनकोकों उत्पात । 2। कहा क्या विष्णु जो घाटी गयो जो भृगु मारी लात " अर्थात जो बड़ा है उसको तो बड़ा दिल रखके भूल करने वालोंको क्षमा कर देनी चाहीये, भृगु ऋषिकी लात खानेके बाद भी विष्णु भगवान तो भगवान ही रहे थे । वार्ता कुछ ऐसे बनी। एक वक्त भृगु ऋषि विष्णु भगवान को मीलने गए, विष्णु भगवान तप करनेमे मशगूल थे, उन्होने भृगु ऋषि को देखा नही , एक आधा घंटे तक इंतज़ार करके भृगु ऋषि थके और बहोत गुस्सेमे आ गए, इतने गुस्से मे आए की विष्णु भगवान को एक लात मार दी । " साला, देखता नही है, मे कबसे इंतज़ार करता हूँ ? " लात खाई लेकिन विष्णु भगवान चलित नही हुये, और भृगुकों माफ करा दिया, ऐसा करनेमे विष्णु भगवानने अपना भगवत्व झारी रखा , उनका वजन कुछ कम नही हुआ बल्कि बढ़ा।
પશ્ર્ચિમ રેલવેની સેવાઓ
એસી ડબલ ડેકર ટ્રેનમાં બેસીને મુંબઇ આવવાનું થયું. પશ્ર્ચિમ રેલવેએ આ ટ્રેનને સારી- સ્વચ્છ રાખી છે. ઝડપ પણ ઘણી સારી છે. ટીસીઓ પણ ઘણા વિનયી લાગ્યા. પ. રે.ને આ સેવાઓ બદલ ધન્યવાદ. ટ્રેનના ડબ્બાઓમાં મુસાફરો વાંચી શકે એ રીતે ડેશ બોર્ડ મૂકવામાં આવ્યા છે. જેમાં વારંવાર ટ્રેનની ઝડપ, આગલું સ્ટોપ કેટલા કિ. મી. દૂર છે, સીટની નીચે કોઇ વાંધાજનક ચીજવસ્તુ અંગે સાવધાની રાખવી. બસ આવી જ માહિતી વારંવાર દર્શાવવામાં આવે છે. એકની એક માહિતી અનેક વાર વાંચી મુસાફર કંટાળી જાય તેમ પણ બને. આ સીસ્ટમનો ઉપયોગ લેખકો, નેતાઓ, કવિઓના કવોટેશનો, આજના તાજા સમાચાર, સારી કવિતા, ગઝલો પ્રસારિત કરવામાં પણ નહીં થઇ શકે અને આ બાબત માત્ર અંગ્રેજી અને હિંદીમાં રજૂ થવી જોઇએ. કારણ કે ટ્રેનો માત્ર પ્રાદેશિક સ્વરૂપની છે. તેમાં હિન્દી લિપિમાં ગુજરાતી આઇટમો પણ રજૂ થઇ શકે. ટ્રેનો જયારે શરૂ થઇ ત્યારે માનવ સંપર્કના અગત્યના સાધન તરીકે આ સીસ્ટમ ગણાવાઇ હતી. આજે પ્રસારણના સાધનો વધ્યાં છે તો રેલવેના ડબ્બાઓમાં વ્યક્તિના ગુણો, સંસ્કાર ખીલવવાના તરીકા પણ અપનાવવા જેવા છે. દા. ત. ગુનો ન કરો, ટ્રાફિકના નિયમો પાળો, સ્કૂટર ચલાવો ત્યારે હેલ્મેટ પહેરો. ઘરે તમારા મા-બાપ, સંતાનો તમારી રાહ જુએ છે. મા-બાપની સંભાળ રાખશો, તો તમારા દીકરા તમારી સંભાળ રાખશે. ધનલોભ તમને જેલમાં ધકેલી દેશે. વિ. વિ.
ભરતભાઇ આર. પંડયા
મુંબઈ સમાચાર તા.29મી ઓગસ્ટ 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

          Worries kill more Men than Wars ! 

                                                                                  1             18/3/14
             We  hardly observe the patients around us , particularly when we visit our  sick relatives kept  in the Hospitals, the patients in the wards around, the patients who comr to consult the doctors for their illness. Worry, anxiety are silent killers , diabetes and high B.P. come next. Have you ever seen a man of  75 Kg weight, losing 17 Kgs  within a short span of time ? Not for luxury or for reducing weight but by remaining under constant terror of worry and anxiety ?
          Carnegie has adduced a case of one  Ted Bengermino of Baltimore , Maryland, USA . He went on worrying so intensely that he lost 17 Kgs  weight , was reduced to skin and bones He went on worrying about the course of the war, his family,the hardships of other soldiers etc. Ultimately he was shifted to Army Hospital , studying his case, the doctor said: “ I want you to think of your life  as an hour glass. You know there are thousands of grains of sand in the top  of the hour glass and they pass slowly and evenly ythrough the narrow neck in the middle.You or I cannot make  more than one grain  of sand pass  through thius narrow neck  without damaging the hour glass. You , and I  and all others are like this hourglass. When we start in the morning  there are hundreds of tasks  , which we feel, we must accomplish before the day is over, but if we do not take one ( task)  at a time  and let them pass through slowly and evenly , as do the grains of sand, passing through the narrow neck of the hourglass, then we are bound to break our own physical or mental structure. “
           Then let us learn a lesson from above case , and that should be, “ One grain of sand at a time , one task at a time “
           Many great men and thinkers have  expressed important ideas  on such cases:
       “ When I look back on all these worries,I remember the story of  the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life,  of which never happened. “---  Winston Churchill, Wartime Prime Minister of England

Sunday, May 4, 2014

     Achievements of Christianity   ( 2 )

                    Christianity desired that all those who did not know it, should be persuaded to learn the basics of religion. This was the first step towards  increasing the population believing in the Christianity. When we were young, the groups of Christians came to our backward class localities, sang the songs of their religion, distributed the booklets at nominal price, sometimes they brought old picture box with colored pictures and explained to the audience various incidents in the life of  Jesus Christ.

                   We could see that the followers of Christ were simple people, bare footed and that they were non-vegetarians too.Jesus himself was a shepherd and he was reared as a carpenter, as his father was like that. He came from a very humble back ground  . Jesus could ride a donkey  and give status to that animal. If he could give status to an animal, he could give status to  man too.

                  Christianity  had no restrictions on food. the followers could be vegetarian and non vegetarian too. Jesus himself was a non vegetarian. By embracing the Christianity the new comers had not to lose either their dress or food habits.

                It did not prescribe any dress stipulation, any body could  put on any dress as per his ability. Beautiful or costly dress did not give special status to a person at the same time  dirty or cheap clothes did not lower the value of any body.

             Christianity gave awakening , education and status.

            Jesus Christ stood for simplicity
            Jesus Christ stood for healing the sick. even if they were poor or from backward background
            Jesus Christ stood for  love . Love even to one's enemies . Enemies were to be won over not
                      by violence and reprisal but by love and compassion
            Jesus Christ stood for collective living , all were treated as equals and no discrimination among
                        the followers.  There were no discriminatory wadas , palaces for some and ghettoes for

            Jesus stood for spiritual equality, no one was nearer  to God and others further than him. No one
                     superior to any one and no one inferior to any body. All were equal children of God. All were
                     children of God. The relationship between the followers and the God was that of father and
           Jesus stood for Abstract God. God had no specific shape, height, color , language . he was Abstract.

                          Bible was the first book of the world which said all men, women, children irrespective of their caste, community, social, financial back ground , were equal , not only on the earth but also in the eyes of God. No man was favoured and no one was condemned  by God.
                       Bible created equality between servant and the master . It gave status to work-culture as Jesus himself was a carpenter and a shepherd. With this example , the Christianity started assimilating  the poor within itself . It started giving status  to the backward Classes and the castes.

                     Christianity started recruiting its priests from all sections of society without any favour to any particular caste or section or region.

                Within a short time Christianity attracted the notice of the poor of the world as it presented a God who was sympathetic even to the sinners if they repented their sins . It gave peace of mind to the aggrieved, the sufferers when they forgave the wrongs done to them. Here there are repentance by the wrong doers and forgiving by the aggrieved.


Achievements of Christianity ( 2 )

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Achievements of Christianity Part 1. Bharatbhai R pandya

  Achievements  of Christianity      Bharatbhai R Pandya part 1.

       1. Jesus Christ gave rights to  all  irrespective of caste, color and country. 
     In Europe Christianity disturbed class relations, upturned societies  as a result complete transformation took place.----- Christianity meant change . Peoploe who were fed up with centuries old conventions, prejudices, inequalities found new heaven in Christianity.  At the same time Christianity does not believe in bringing about change through violent means as the Muslims did . It gave emphasis to change of heart  and not change of dress  and outward show of human beings. 
       2. Christianity gave rights to spiritual equality . What is meant by spiritual equality ? It means that the access to God is open to all without any hindrance of caste, cclass or gender. Hinduism monopolized spiritual equality among three castes only. How to widen this right ? By spreading education . If common people are educated then they can read the books of the religion, the Bible.   Bible became harbinger of  Civil Wars  which produced new social equations  as in America. They priests and administrators put Bible in the hands of all people . In Africa, the settlers went there with Bible, English language  and concept of God who was very considerate, sympathetic and pitiful, of forgiving nature .People came to know of new God who was very accessible and they built Churches in villages and Cities and invited even those who had not embraced Christianity , to come and worship the God. . Similar thing happened in Islam. Before starting the Namaz , the bangi mounts on the minaret and shouts to his full voice, and gives invitation to the listeners saying that, " Oh believers in all mighty God, come here,come here, we all pray the all mighty God together " This is called Azan.    (b)   In India Hinduism acted in a narrow manner, it closed the doors of education on 85 % of people, who were called Shudras  and limited the access to God only to the three Varnas 1. Brahmins 2. Vaisyas and 3. Kshatriyas.  Woeshipping God awas strictly forbidden and in Ramayan Hindu God Ram is said to have killed  one   Shambuk  who worshipped him ! This is not only shocking but shameful.

         3. The Christianity delivered human rights to the people whom they dominated at their door steps, while Hinduism took a very narrow and  inhuman approach to this aspect and denied human rights to 85 % of people as if they were aliens and conquered subjects.So national  Integrity was tyhe first casualty and it became easy for the Islamist aggressors and the European powers to find a foot hold on Indian soil, expand their influence from commerce to politics and then onward  to subjugating the entire sub-continent.  The prevailing caste System made their task easier  as there was not left any sense of human dignity and self respect among  most of the people because every layer of Caste System except the Brahmins , was graning under the domination one or more castes over them. The Kshatriyas were dominated by the Brahmins, the Vaishyas were dominated by both the Kshatriyas as well the Brahmins. Then the Shudras were dominated by the Vaishyas, the Kshatriyas and the Brahmins .  No where in the world there was such a system where the layers of  people were both the dominated as well as the suppressed.

        4. Even Gods were discriminatory in their attitude toward the suppressed. The Gods never favored the suppressed , this ran in  total contrast to the Christianity and Islam. Christianity treated all the people as equal and human, even Islam also behaved that way , and treated all the people as humans and worthy of human rights.     ( Contd )                                                                 

Monday, April 21, 2014

        जीसस क्राइस्ट्की सिध्धि याँ

           1। जीससने कोई भी तरहके भेदभावके बिना , वर्ण, ज्ञाति या देश,सबको एक सरीखे हक्क दिये।    यूरोपममें  तो  वर्ग वर्गके संबंधोको भारी धक्का पहुंचाया, समाजोकों उपर तले हीला दीया।  इसके कारण आमूलसे परिवर्तन आया। ।  ईसाई  धर्म का दूसरा अर्थ ही  " बदलाव " हो गया ।  लेकिन ईसाई  धर्म यह बदलाव कोई दमन या हिंसासे से लाना नहीँ  चाहता था ।  जीससके मृत्युके बाद मुसलमानोने इसलामका फैलाव करनेमे बड़े पैमानेपर हीन्साका  सहारा लिया  और अनेक बस्तीयाँ को जबरजसती इस्लाममें  सामीला कर दीया।  इसाइओने  ऐसा नहीं  कीया और लोगोका ह्रदय  परिवर्तन होने तक  इंतज़ार कीया।
        2। आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र मे भी इसाइओने  सबको एक सरीखे हक्क दिये ।  शिक्षा देनेमें  इसाइओको खास  दिलचस्पी थी क्योकी वो इतना तो समजते थे की अगर नए आए हुये लोग ईसाई धर्म क्या है, उसके सिद्धद्धांत क्या है और us    

Monday, March 17, 2014

During  war  the military  commanders  plan for  coming   days,,  they busy for these preparations never  lose sleep   over  supposed  consequences. They think of  suspected threats  of attacks,  . They get can not  go  on continuously  worrying  over their  actions, failures on the front  , this would  not allow them to live  any longer.
    Dale Carnegie has given a lively instance of  USA’s Navy Admiral  Ernest  J King, he is said to  have spoken like this : “    I have supplied the besty  men with best equipment  and have also given them the best wisest mission. That is all I can do.
                    “ If a ship has been sunk, I can’t bring it up.If it is going to be , I can’t stop it. I can use my time  and much better working on tomorrow’s problem than by fretting about yesterday’s disasters . Besides, if I let those things get me, I would not last long “
                 This is what I saw in some war movies, particularly “ The Longest Day “ , “ Saving of Private Ryan “ and others. The soldiers saw their collegues dying before their eyes, Officers saw the soldiers dying in number, but they had not waited to morn the deaths, some grievously soldiers were to be left behind and they had to march forward and complete the mission.

           Whether in war or peace,  the chief difference   between   good and bad thinking is this : Good thinking deals with causes and effects  and leads to logical and  and constructive planning. While bad thinking  leads to  tension  and nervous breakdowns and consequent  disasters 

              One step enough for me
The publisher  of the New York Times, Arthur  Hays Sulzberger once confided how he banished worries from his mind:  He said the “ He was never able to banish  his worries  and find peace until  he had adopted the following   5  words from the Church Hymn :
                “ One step enough  for me “
   “ Lead kindly light …
     Keep  you my feet                                                                                                                                         I do not ask to see
I    The distant scene;
     One step enough for me  “
          Indian thinker Acharya Rajnish had also said  in the same vein, he said  even when you want to set on a journey of 1000 miles, the first thing you will be required to do is  take one step forward…. In utter darkness , you can not remove the deep and long darkness  even if you have millions of tube lights and search batteries. You can not remove the darkness lying before you, it is impossible. What you need  to do is to take a lantern which can throw light only 3 feet ahead , that is enough. With every step taken , the light of the lantern  will go ahead, you can follow the lighted path, every 3 feet   but you can travel hundreds of miles  with the help of this tiny lantern  of 3 feet light ahead !

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Art  of   ending  worries  and  starting  a healthy  and  wealthy  life

Modern    life   has produced   many     comforts   which   our ancestors   never  thought  of. The cost of life has been rising so high , that our expectations chase the eluding  greatness since  morning  to  night  and  some  times  man  loses  sleep  over  problems  of  the  day  not  solved  and  the  monstrosity  of  the  problems  of  tomorrow  . The  problems  go  on heaping  over  head , man  loses  the charm  of  living  a happy  family  life  and  tension free future.

       Let us examine some lightening thoughts  of leading personalities .

   " Our main business  is not to see what lies dimly at a distance , but to do what lies clearly  at hand " -Thomas carlyle

     " Take therefor no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take  thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil  thereof. " --- Jesus 

                   Modern versions of Bible quote  Jesus more accurately. as saying,  " Have no anxiety for the tomorrow ."

              By all means think about tomorrow , weigh its good and evil consequences , but do not indulge in  worrying for bad consequences. make preparations to meet  the challenges of tomorrow , but keep no anxiety.