Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Art  of   ending  worries  and  starting  a healthy  and  wealthy  life

Modern    life   has produced   many     comforts   which   our ancestors   never  thought  of. The cost of life has been rising so high , that our expectations chase the eluding  greatness since  morning  to  night  and  some  times  man  loses  sleep  over  problems  of  the  day  not  solved  and  the  monstrosity  of  the  problems  of  tomorrow  . The  problems  go  on heaping  over  head , man  loses  the charm  of  living  a happy  family  life  and  tension free future.

       Let us examine some lightening thoughts  of leading personalities .

   " Our main business  is not to see what lies dimly at a distance , but to do what lies clearly  at hand " -Thomas carlyle

     " Take therefor no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take  thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil  thereof. " --- Jesus 

                   Modern versions of Bible quote  Jesus more accurately. as saying,  " Have no anxiety for the tomorrow ."

              By all means think about tomorrow , weigh its good and evil consequences , but do not indulge in  worrying for bad consequences. make preparations to meet  the challenges of tomorrow , but keep no anxiety.   

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