Friday, November 22, 2013

Mind , a tremendous blessing of God

    Mind is the most important part of life. It makes man different from animals. How to make our mind our true friend ? Some writers and thinkers have  written their thoughts on the subject and I have compiled them for the frds.

1.   Concentration is my motto -- first honesty , then industry and then concentration .     Andrew Carnegie
2.   You will never do any thing in the world without courage. It is the greatest quality   of the mind  next to
             honour - Aristotle.
3,   The truest greatness lies in being kind , the truest wisdom  in a happy mind. ---Elia Wheeler  Wilcox
4.    The mind is its own place., and in itself, can make Heaven of hell  and Hell of heaven. John Milton
5 .A house is no home unless it  contains food and fire   for the mind  as well as for the body. -Margaret
6.    Nothing is at last sacred  but the integrity of your mind.----- Ralph  Waldo Emerson
7.   The mind is like an iceberg. It floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.---Sigmond Freud
8.   Language is the dress of thought ; every time you talk , your mind is on parade. --Dr Samuel Johnson
9.     All sorts of bodily diseases are produced by half-used minds. --Bernard Shaw
10.   Men are not prisoners of fate , but prisoners of their own mind. --Franklin D Roosevelt
11.  Pain of mind is worse than pain of body. -- A Latin Proverb
12   Thoughts would leave deeper scarring than  daggers and bullets. - Madam Pomfrey
13.  The mind , once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas , never returns to its original size. ---
                                                    -- Oliver  Wendell Holmes
14.   I made up my mind long ago  that life was too short  to do anything for myself that I could pay others                                               to  do for me.---- W. Somerset Maugham
15.     It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well. --Rene Descartes
16.    I usually make up my mind about a man in ten seconds , I very rarely change it. ---Margaret Thatcher
17.    Your mind always does worse things than people can show in a movie.--Dean Koontz
18.   A woman past 40 should make up her mind to be young; not her face. --Billie Burke
19.   The need to be right ? The sign of a vulgar mind. -- Albert Camus
20.   You have power over your mind, not outside events. realise this , and you will find strength. --
                                              Marcus Aurelius
21.   Easy mind , light heart. A mind that is too easy  hides a heart  that is too heavy.--Franz Schubert
22.   I was intelligent enough to make up my own mind. I not only had freedom of choice , I had freedom
                            of expression. --Amy Tan
23.   The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable. --- Seneca
24.  The absence of alternatives clears the mind  marvelously. -- Henrey Kissinger
25.   There is no pleasing exercise of the mind than expressing gratitude. --Joseph Addison

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