Monday, November 25, 2013

Comments on Raojibhai patel ( Mota )'s Collected Works Ed by Prof Bipin Shroff

Comments on " Collected Works Of Raojibhai Patel " Coml. by Bipin Shroff   Part- 1

I had read the article of Dinesh Panchal published in local daily ” Gujaratmitra “.Unluckily I was little bit disappointed on the quality and depth of the article. Mota has written a big literature , touching most aspects of our national life, look to his treatise on Marxism ,though i was a student of politics during my graduation , 1961-62 , I could not grasp the depth and width of his exposition of Marxism. Marx was trully a great phylosopher , next only to Socrates and a great Socialist ,his socialism emerging out of his pointed analysis of the economic currents of the human history.His study of Western philosophy
is really mind-cracking . Now we realise that Marx’s foundation of Socialism was philosophycal too . Our teachers during the college days were not well-conversant with this philosophy and that is why we acquired a shallow understanding of Marx ! It was Mota who expounded this aspect at length that we realised our shortcomings or smallness but at that time our grasping ability had undergone change for the worse and we could hardly measure to his lofty thinking !
I started reading this treatise after completing the foreword by Sri Bhikhu Parekh and was lost in the mire of German plilosophers ( 22.July 2010 ) Hegel, Kant etc. I am overawed by his statement , read it ” During the period before 1848 ( Communist Manifesto ) revolution . philosophy dominated the element of science in their writings. Thus the revolutionary character of the proletarian class mentioned in their statements was, it is reasonable to believe , deduced from the concept of Man as the beares of self. The implication is that ethics was fused with science in conceiving and definingthe proletariat.With the defeat of the 1848 revolution , there set in new phase of Soul-searching and rethinking on the conditions of the proletariat revolution.It became necessary to restructure the basic elements of Historical Materialism so as to convey their idea of the proleetariat and its significance to hgistory in empirically objective concepts ” ( page 77 )
And as regards marxism I rest here !
Some very memorable quotes are there from him on page No 105 ,106, let us repeat them. ” The failure of communism can be traced to Marx’s reluctance to admit
” ideals ” as casually effective in the process of history. …He , perhaps took the view that ideals are necessarily obscure… Consequently , later Marxists pushed the communist movement mto a state of ethical void ; and Marxist revolutions committed abortion. Aristotle used this concept of freedom to defend slavery The spiritual experience of sadhus and maulvis is being imposed on the political experience of the common man. Logically it is undemocratic ”
Without reading the chapter ” Genesis of Current Political Crisis in India ” I do not feel any student of contemparary history will ever grasp the forces at play in India. Look , ( page No. 161 ) ” In some cases parochial parties arose from bases different from Congress. This process from unitary system to a complex multiple syastem has jeopardised the process of nation building because parochialism has thrived on the back-ward consciousness of the masses… According to M N Roy Sardar Patel was the chief organiser of the Congress during the Gandhian Era.After paying tribute to Patel’s organising ability , Roy concludes ” immediately nationalist India , without Patel , presents such a depressing perspective that he might have exclaimed on his death-bed + After me the deluge + The unfoldent of the history of the congress should be critically analysed in the light of the epochal values and categories of political understanding specific mto the modern industrial culture.The later conflicts with the spiritual culture of India which went into the making of the loose Gandhian ideology.The lack of understanding of this conflict on the part of our political elite jeopardises the hwealth of our nation state.The proper basis for such an understanding is critical realism – a realism which rescues our understanding from the distortion caused by an undue authority of the heroes of our contemporary history .These categories are 1. The modern state 2. The modern nation and 3. A modern Political Party. …. ( To be continued )

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