Tuesday, October 1, 2013

( 16  )

          This  happened  in the darbar  of  Napolean
           What happens when you do not respect the advice of sanity  ?

         This incident took place in the year   --------.
        The  place was Paris, capital of France.
         Napolean was itching for attacking Russia  and was planning the attack.

         For preparing the attack he had called a meeting of his Generals and he put forward his plan to attack Russia. He explained his scheme of attack and the Generals listened to him attentively, naturally, what to do then  ?

        Then one  Marshal  Caulaincourt got up , he spoke with calm and measured voice. He rolled out numerous logical arguments against the planned attack

       Napoleon was listening him with calmness and peacefully.

   Summimg up his arguments , the General told Napoleon,

         “  Sire, my entire life is at youyr disposal, you can do what ever you like to do with it on the war front. . But I do not agree with your planned invasion of Russia  as my conscience  and intuition  tell me that I should tell you where the interest of France lie . If I fail to say  conviction , I would be failing in my duty to  you and the mother land. I do not believe in ----------------  for the sake of it  , but I should say you the  grounds of my conviction plainly and in clear words.  I do not mind if I am branded a coward for advising you against the invasion but I should not back tract  when the questions of life and death of millions of people, including our soldiers, is involved. “

              Napoleon was taken aback on   Marshal’s  plain  representation.

The Emperor got up, and  rushed  in full anger towards marshal Caulincourt.

 He said, “ What do you want to say ? “

Now the marshal dropped all the norms and discipline of the army and    went on ,

“  You should know that the country will be put to untold disaster and all the kings of Europe will unite against  you. It seems you are inviting your down fall  and France will fall with you. “

          In spite of this voice of sanity, Napoleon went on as per his plan and was ruined.

      The lesson of this story is that we should listen to the things we do not like to hear, should think over it, balance various consequences of options available  with cool mind and should  examine our plans from all dimensions and then take decision. This is called mature decision making.

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