Friday, October 6, 2017

Famine of Purchasing Power and Depraivity

Even if Modi brings down GST rates to 1 % , production will not pick up , it will not put money into the hands of people and no new factories would come up.Blood circulation of an economy is its Productive machinery,-----There is famine of purchasing power, how to purchase things ? It reminds me of the great Famine of Bengal, the stores were full of grains and sweetmeats were also available but yet people died, why ? They had no money to purchase grains and vegetables or meat . Modi's idiot Ministers have never studied the past happenings and are behaving as robots , polsoning Modi and Shah. Unless a country puts purchasing power in the hands of people, they will not go to bazars and buy things, if they buy things , the manufacturers and producers will get money, in their turn they will purchase commodities , luxuries , services and the producers will create demand for other commodities , in turn they will give employment to others. this is the secret behind China's advancement, In India they did not stop Chinese goods from invading India, industries stopped, Industrialists closed their factories and imported their goods, the Chinese would print whatever name of factory you desire and when these things fall into hands of Indian buyers, they are led to believe that that particular company has produced it, and that is wrong impression./ Indian's purchases of Chinese goods have made Crores of labourers unemployed, they have no purchasing power

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