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Discriminations Galore in the Hindu Society :---------------------------------Sister Usha Pandit has raised an important point in her status regarding gender discriminations. I had to support her like this on her wall.--------------- " My dear sister , this is the problem in male dominated society. The men would never concede a point when raised by a woman , however correct and positive it would be. The men think that the entire monopoly over the intelligence and wisdom is that of the men which is a wrong notion. In India the women were deliberately kept behind the house hold screen in order to prevent her score any victory over men in religious discussions. Acharya Rajnish has given a very good example of Rishi Gargi , a learned woman who had mastered all the scriptures and the principles of Logic ( we learnt this art in the First Year of College and a Professor was specially engaged to teach us this Logic ! ) . She went on defeating the great brains in religious discourses and so the male Rishis collected together and came out with an orthodox dogma of confining the Woman to the house hold duties which prevented her from getting education, participating in religious discussions and becoming priest in the temples.The case of Gargi was a dark page in the history of India as it turned the tables on Women of Hindu origin of all future generations. ------- The things went so low that even the most enlightened caste , the Brahmins also prevented their woman folk from getting education, lest they would challenge the males even in the home too !----------------------------------------------------------------Now coming to the art of discussion, there is a faculty in Human relations and Public Relations, The participants are taught the art of Conversation. people do not know how to talk , listen to favourable and react to unfavourable representations ,how to put their view point across the table with winning streak. In England this art was taught to the students in the High School .Art of Conversation is a refined subject which teaches the manners of argumentation , keeping cool even during hot discussions ( I would like to mention here a case of the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia who was putting his view points calmly and with cases in points , before the diplomats who were even against the interests of Saudi Arabia . This video was worth saving but unluckily I missed the chance ). We find this lack of etiquette in routine contacts when we see people indulging in hot discussions with trading abusive language and refusing to listen to the points of the opposite persons.----------------------------------------------Now sister, about group discussions. There was one Police Commissioner of Ahmedabad, Harishchandra Singh , IPS, who was Prince of Lunawada State in Gujarat ,. I was under him for a few days for a bandobust duty when PM Indira Gandhi paid a visit to Ahmedabad . He conducted a meeting , a brain storming meeting he himself started the discussion by putting a hot argument and asking one officer after another to state his piosition. There was like an Atom Bomb in the brain of all , present and participating in the conversation, different sort of arguments came out , which he conceded , he never thought such thoughts existed in the mind of Senior Officers ( ! ) . There was all a storm of arguments , different , variety of arguments, facts, figures came out from the mouth of the senior officers . He later told us " This was a Brain Storming Session and when you want to take out some thing from the subconscious mind of the participants, you rtesort to this art and you would learn so many things. But keep effective check, so that there are no trading of personal charges . this is the responsibility of the Presiding Officer. We are a long way behind this art of Conversation and Etiquette in the present orthodox background.'.------------ When some orthodox forces particularly RSS and BJP advance the cause of Hindu religion, they have the entire past of India in view and want to relegate the Woman to the pre and post-Manu Smruti period.
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