Sunday, October 12, 2014

What do we learn from the Border Incidents ?----------------------------------------This episode of firing and cross firing is managed one. It is just like a fixed match. Years back we were delighted to see the rivals being kicked, thrashed and flattened. We cheered when a particular wrestler was beaten. He would rise after being declared loser and announce to the audience, " I will take revenge very badly against this winner in the next bout. " and we got advance tickets to see that revenge. And same story again and again until the public realised that these were shadow fights and we were duped. ----This has happened on our border. Why should our PM arrange such happenings in whiuch innocents have lost their lives ? -----Now see this time hero is our PM, when Nawaz Sharif will find himself cornered, the PM will allow him to score a fictitious victory and then" Nawaz Sharif Zindabad ! ", then after some months, " Modi Zindabad ! " This will go on endlessly.
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